Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
EPACHA Foundation Proudly Celebrates . . .
World Children's Day
November 20, 2023
CHILDREN! Our Future!
Already With Us Today!
Are YOU giving a "thumbs up" for
"Children Around the World?"
None can deny the fact that "Children are our Future . . . Already With Us Today!" And that reality must be caringly taught to Children with knowledge and understanding of those responsibilities that Children will face as time marches on into the future of adulthood.
Children, are YOU diligently
preparing for the future?
Without a doubt "Children Around the World" . . . enjoy FUN! FUN! FUN! And there is certainly nothing wrong with the happiness that fun can bring into a child's life. At the same time, however, children should be made aware of the many hardships that some children are facing - not only globally - but also at home throughout local communities.
"Children caring for Children"
who are less fortunate is a
natural quality of
"Humanity Around the World!"
As Children develop and grow . . . Children must also know that "Human Rights" include "Children's Rights!" And every child's "Human Rights" must be upheld Around the World.
When Children are lacking food with proper nutrition, barely existing within starving populations, having no access to proper health care and living in dire poverty lacking the proper comforts of home life, Children must understand that "Children's Human Rights" are being violated!
Children, are YOU ready for caring?
Are YOU ready for sharing with
Children in need? . . .
Children of Ukraine in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF Ukraine!
Children of Africa in need!
It's time to learn more about
UNICEF: West and Central Africa! AND UNICEF: Eastern and Southern Africa!
Children of Palestine in need!
It's time to learn more about State of Palestine UNICEF!
Children of Haiti in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF Haiti!
Children of Israel in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF ISRAEL!
Children of North Korea in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF DPRK!
Children of Yemen in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF Yemen!
Children of Brazil in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF Brazil!
Children of the Armenian-Yazidi
Village of Shamiram in need!
It's time to learn more about UNICEF Armenia!
What are YOU waiting for?
Let's all give a "thumbs up"
and a "loud shout out" for
caring Children as. . .
"we all care for Children"
Around the World!
- EPACHA Foundation -
Learn more about . .
"World Children's Day"
on the following United Nations web page:
Courtesy, United Nations
Every Day is . . .
"World Children's Day!"
If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:
Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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