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75 years after the bomb, Hiroshima still chooses ‘reconciliation and hope.’

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Courtesy, UN Photo/Eluchi Matsumoto

There was widespread destruction in Hiroshima as a result of the nuclear bomb which was dropped on the Japanese city in August 1945.

Secretary-General's Message to Event

Hosted by Hiroshima Prefecture:

"UN75 In Hiroshima"

August 6, 2020

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On the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of his city, the mayor of Hiroshima warned the world about the rise of "self-centered nationalism" and appealed for greater international cooperation to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.


Courtesy, United Nations

"I am pleased to send greetings to this dialogue on “UN75 in Hiroshima”.   This year marks seventy-five years since the United Nations was born from the ashes of the Second World War.
It also marks three quarters of a century since the atomic incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki heralded the advent of terrible new weapons that pose an existential threat to humanity.
Since 1945, one of the United Nations’ top priorities has been the elimination of nuclear weapons.  It is clearly encapsulated in Article 26 of the Charter, which calls for minimizing the “diversion for armaments of the world’s human and economic resources.”  The founders did not want the world’s limited resources to be spent on weapons but on development.
The seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations is an important opportunity for us to take stock and consider how the UN can enhance its efforts across the organization to achieve its shared goals of peace, human rights and sustainable development.  As we learn from the past, we have to look forward and take into account new threats, such as climate change and disruption from new technologies.
This is not just a discussion for national governments.   It needs input from everyone, including youth, civil society, local governments and the private sector.
For our anniversary, I have asked people to join the world’s biggest conversation on how we can collectively reinvigorate global cooperation for a better future for all.  
In settings such as this, we want to hear from you about your hopes and fears for the future and how to create a truly networked, inclusive and effective multilateralism to better deliver on your aspirations.
The ambition of the Sustainable Development Goals, and the many global challenges that confront us, require collective action by us all.
As an international community, we have made great strides in seeking to fulfill the promise of the United Nations Charter.  I commend Japan for its engagement across the United Nations agenda and its commitment to multilateralism.
But we still have much to achieve.   Let us work together to create peace, prosperity, dignity and opportunity for all people on a healthy planet.
Thank you."

Quote Courtesy, UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Learn more on the following web pages:


Important  Announcement

The World is Saying "NO" to Nuclear Weapons!

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IAEA LOGO 1a.jpg

First Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Treaty

in more than two decades, came into

force on January 22, 2021


Courtesy, United Nations

Learn more on the following web page:

IAEA FLAG 1a.jpg


Humanity's Tragedy


Two aerial photos of atomic bomb mushroom clouds, over two Japanese cities in 1945

At no time ever were the beneficial & useful utility of "nuclear energy" ever intended for the destruction of "Human Beings!"


A tragedy indeed did take place during WWII - the dropping of atomic bombs:  a horrific, horrendous horror which can never be erased from the "History of Humanity" on Earth.  


Future generations already with us today MUST be taught of those immutable laws that FORBID the use of "nuclear energy" for warring purposes. 


If Earth's inhabitants are genuinely for the peaceful development and sustainability of the whole of Humanity, there can never be any justification for the destruction of Human Beings with the deployment of "nuclear weaponry."  


Are Nations great and small teaching the leaders of tomorrow - already with us today - of the lawful utilization of "nuclear energy" for the peaceful, beneficial development and sustainability of "All of Humanity?"

- EPACHA Foundation - 



What Does it Feel Like to Survive an Atomic Bomb?

Nagasaki survivor Yasuaki Yamashita explains

Video Courtesy, United Nations

Future generations MUST understand

the "Horrors of Nuclear Warfare:" 

if deployed, constitutes a . . .



Video Courtesy, ITV News

Learn more about Hiroshima [and] Nagasaki

on the following web pages:


Reminder . . .

Humanity's Atoms are for . . . 

 P E A C E

and . . . 


IAEA & the SDGs

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