Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
Special Announcement
Save the NMUN Conference Dates
for the Year 2025
C o u r t e s y , United Nations - NMUN
The National Model United Nations Conference (NMUN), a
Model UN simulation
for college and
university students will convene in 2025.
Click on following link for 2025 dates and
locations of the United Nations
Are the Youth of today
seriously considering
its collective role
for Humanity's future?
Courtesy, NMUN - https://www.nmun.org/
Many of the world's youth are diligently
preparing for a better world for all!
"NMUN annually draws participants from
more than 130 UN Member States to address
current global issues. Our experiential learning programs, including the world's largest university-level Model UN, provide students with a forum to
hone skills in diplomacy, negotiation, critical
thinking, compromise, public speaking,
writing, and research. Students
benefit from our longstanding
partnership with the UN and
utilize simulation procedural rules developed
decades ago with UNITAR. Our New York
conferences culminate at UN Headquarters
with thousands of students in attendance."
Above Quote Courtesy, NMUN - https://www.nmun.org/
Learn more about . . .
"NMUN Conferences"
on the following web page:
Courtesy, NMUN
The voices of today's Youth . . .
Courtesy, NMUN - https://www.nmun.org/
must be heard as global skills . . .
Courtesy, NMUN - https://www.nmun.org/
are developed and honed . . .
Courtesy, NMUN - https://www.nmun.org/
in the process of shaping . . .
Courtesy, NMUN - https://www.nmun.org/
a better world for all!
Courtesy, United Nations
Forging into the future with
NMUN at . . .
Courtesy, NMUN
The United Nations
Courtesy, United Nations
EPACHA Foundation Extends
Sincere Thanks to
A n d
for allowing use of images and print
presented herein.
If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
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EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:
Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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