Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
EPACHA Foundation
P r o u d l y W e l c o m e s
C o u r t e s y , K A F
United Nations Bids Farewell
Kofi Annan
"A True Statesman"
8 April 1938 – 18 August 2018
Looking Back . . .
. . . yet Looking Forward!
The Legacy of Kofi Annan
Shall forever be deeply etched with
"Exemplary Excellence" in the
History of Humanity &
History of the United Nations!
Please take time to view EPACHA's web page presentation of the
included below . . . a presentation that shall
remain a cherished part of EPACHA's work NOW. . .
and hopefully for future generations to come.
See Also Kofi Annan's Invaluable Contributions to "One Young World" at:
Former UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan
Video Courtesy, Kofi Annan
Marking 20 Years of Leadership for
Courtesy, KAF - UN Photo/Sergey Bermeniev
On 10 December 2001, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations and its Secretary-General Kofi Annan, for “their work for a better organized and more peaceful world.”
EPACHA Foundation Extends
A Warm Welcome Indeed!
Courtesy, Kofi Annan
Considering the tremendous
and extensive amount of
to achieve historic successes in
the process of accomplishing the
“Sustainable Development Goals,”
former UN Secretary-General,
K o f i A n n a n
continues to bring to the global
Humanitarian table an invaluable wealth
of knowledge and experience. Without a
doubt, a UN Secretary–General’s work
is never done! Kofi Annan is yet a key
component that can contribute to
ensuring additional progress –
including the indispensable
work needed to bring
about hallmarks of
successes in terms of
“political will and leadership.”
The many dire conditions on a global
scale attests to the fact that achieving the
“Sustainable Development Goals”
is not an easy feat for any one Nation,
group or individual to undertake
alone. But with concerted
efforts together with dedicated
partners, more can be accomplished
for Humanity as a whole: especially for
those who have for many generations
been utterly neglected and overlooked
through no fault of their own.
As Nations great and small diligently
endeavor within the framework
of the . . .
U n i t e d N a t i o n s
2030 Agenda for
“Sustainable Development,”
rest assured that Kofi Annan and
the “Kofi Annan Foundation” will
continue to be a formidable
advocate for peace,
development and
human rights for “ALL” of
Humanity around the world.
- EPACHA Foundation -
The Work Continues!
Courtesy, Kofi Annan Foundation
Learn more about the work of
and how to
on the following web page:
If you haven't done so yet,
make sure to read
Kofi Annan's
latest books entitled . . .
A Life in War and Peace ”
ISBN-10: 1594204209
A UN for the 21st Century ”
ISBN-10: 1612055583
EPACHA Foundation Extends
Sincere Thanks to
for allowing use of images, visuals and print
presented herein.
If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:
Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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