Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
EPACHA Foundation Celebrates
International Day of Democracy
September 15
Courtesy, https://www.malaymail.com/s/1625518/what-happens-to-the-ballot-box-after-you-cast-your-vote
The Ballot Box.
Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons
Does allowing populations
of Citizenry to
automatically qualify
a government as a legitimately
functioning Democracy?
A glance at the above map which
indicates Nations' and Countries'
claims of "Democracy"
may put the world at
ease . . .
if it were only true.
In the early years of the
21st Century and new Millennium,
the world has witnessed more violence,
tyrannical rule, oppression and even
the open slaughter of thousands of
innocent Citizens at a point
in time when
"Sovereign Democracies"
should be flourishing in every corner of the
globe. And not merely flourishing simply for
the sake of 'feigned democratic recognition',
but rather flourishing and firmly rooted for
the furtherance of "democratic principles"
while diligently engaging in legitimate
efforts to effectively govern
for assurances of freedoms, human rights,
global sustainable development and the
overall well-being and prosperity of
"ALL of Humanity!"
With those undeniable truths clearly
what does the future hold for
"Democracies Around the World?"
- EPACHA Foundation -
International Day of Democracy
September 15, 2023
UN Secretary-General's Message
Courtesy, United Nations
2023 THEME:
“Empowering the Next Generation”
Democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights are bedrocks of resilient, inclusive, and peaceful societies.
They underwrite freedom, advance sustainable development, and protect the dignity and rights of every person.
On the International Day of Democracy, we celebrate its promise to societies – and recognize the many threats it faces at this time of tension and turmoil.
The walls are closing in on civic spaces.
Mis- and disinformation is poisoning public discourse, polarizing communities, and eroding trust in institutions.
This year’s theme – “Empowering the Next Generation” – focuses on the essential role of children and young people in safeguarding democracy today and in the future.
It is not enough to listen to children and young people.
We must support them with massive investments in education, skills-building, and lifelong learning.
We must protect human rights and advance gender equality.
And we must expand the meaningful participation of young people in decision-making processes at every level.
On this important day, let us join hands across generations and work as one to build a more just world for all.
Learn more on the following web pages:
Courtesy, United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF)
Learn more about . . .
International Day of Democracy
on the following United Nations web page:
Courtesy, United Nations
What's YOUR
Whenever and in whatever place
‘Democracy’ exists, . . .
the legitimate and just functioning of
such a form of governance must at all
times ensure the freedoms, human rights,
further sustainable development AND
tangible goal of achieving the overall
well-being and prosperity of
Humanity as a Whole!
Regarding "Democracies"
Around the World . . .
There's yet
"Much Work to be Done!"
- EPACHA Foundation -
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