Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
It's Time to END POVERTY . . .
. . . NOW! Everywhere!
Courtesy, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/child-poverty-increase-children-family-benefit-households-a8268191.html - GETTY Image
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Courtesy, 8SA - Books, Biographies and Literature Summary
United Nations
Secretary-General's Message
"In our world of plenty, poverty should have
no home [...] On this important day,
let’s renew our commitment
to a world free of poverty."
Courtesy, United Nations
In our world of plenty, poverty should have no home.
Yet, as we mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, nearly 700 million people are barely scraping by, living on less than $2.15 per day.
Over a billion people are deprived of basic needs like food, water, health care and education. Billions more lack sanitation and access to energy, jobs, housing and social safety nets.
Meanwhile, conflicts, the climate crisis, discrimination and exclusion — particularly against women and girls — are deepening the distress.
This is compounded by an outdated, dysfunctional and unfair global financial system that hinders developing countries from investing in alleviating poverty and achieving the SDGs.
At current rates, almost 500 million people will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030.
This is unacceptable.
At the SDG Summit in September, world leaders recognized the need to reform the international financial architecture and committed to a bold plan to rescue the Sustainable Development Goals and accelerate efforts to eradicate poverty everywhere.
This includes support for an SDG Stimulus of at least $500 billion per year in financing for investments to achieve this.
Leaders also agreed on targeted action aimed at alleviating poverty and suffering for all people — from transformed food and education systems, to decent jobs and expanded social protection, as this year’s theme highlights.
Ending poverty is the challenge of our time.
But it is a challenge we can win.
On this important day, let’s renew our commitment to a world free of poverty.
Text-Quote Courtesy, United Nations
2023 Theme: “Decent Work and
Social Protection: Putting dignity
in practice for all”
Courtesy, United Nations - https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/ending-poverty
The ultimate goal is to eliminate poverty entirely
by creating the conditions for everyone
to live with dignity.
Courtesy, United Nations - Bengali laborers haul clumps of sod during an excavation. UN Photo/John Isaac
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, celebrated annually on October 17th, aims to promote understanding and dialogue between people living in poverty and the wider society. This year's theme draws on first-hand testimonials showing that those trapped in extreme poverty often work long, grueling hours in dangerous, unregulated conditions but still cannot earn enough income to adequately support themselves and their families.
This year's theme calls for universal access to decent work and social protection as a means to uphold human dignity for all people, and to emphasize that decent work must empower people, provide fair wages and safe working conditions, and fundamentally recognize the inherent value and humanity of all workers. Similarly, universal social protection is urgently needed to guarantee income security for everyone, prioritizing society's most vulnerable members. The theme is also a call to political leaders and policymakers to use human dignity as the guiding compass in all decision-making processes, to ensure the advancement of fundamental human rights and social justice over the pursuit of corporate profits.
Strong global partnerships between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations are vital to achieving equitable development and ensuring no one is excluded or left behind. Therefore, this year’s observance is a chance to stand in solidarity with people living in poverty, truly listen to their daily struggles, and renew commitments to create a just economy focused on protecting human and environmental wellbeing over maximizing financial gains.
The ultimate goal is to eliminate poverty entirely by creating the conditions for everyone to live with dignity.
Text Courtesy, United Nations
Learn more about
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
on the following web pages:
Remember. . .
There are many faces of
Around the World!
Global Reminder:
Various degrees of poverty - from scarcities of basic human necessities
to dire conditions of harmful &
cruel abject neglect - were
never intended as a way
of life for Humanity.
- EPACHA Foundation -
global campaign!
We "ALL" have a hand in
Don't Forget!
Let's ALL Help Eradicate
Poverty by 2030!
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