Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :


Do you know that "Baseball" is
enjoyed in many countries
Around the World?!
Save the Dates: March 8 - 21, 2023
See Schedule

Click Here:


"Baseball" is one of "Humanity's
favorite sport . . . enjoyed by families & friends globally!

Save the Dates: March 8 - 21, 2023
See Schedule
Click Here:

The following is a Courtesy of: Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
The 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC),
an international professional baseball
tournament, is the fifth iteration
of the World Baseball Classic.
[The 2023 WBC] began on March 8 and will run until March 21. The United States are the defending champions.
It was originally scheduled to take place in 2021, four years after the previous event, but was canceled in May 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was later announced that qualifications for the Classic would start in September 2022, as agreed by Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA). The tournament is being expanded from 16 to 20 national teams, with all teams that participated in the 2017 edition automatically qualifying, plus four additional spots.
Learn more on the following web page:


"Baseball Around
the World!"

Courtesies, Top Left: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babe_Ruth
The history of the game of "Baseball" officially dates back to 1846. And
through the years, the enjoyment of
Baseball has been sought after by
lovers of the game throughout
various countries on
a global scale.
Although the game rules are not at all complicated, and baseball is often
referred to as a "past-time"
sport, none can deny the fact that "BASEBALL" is a "vigorous and highly competitive" game that can keep
fans - young and old alike - on
the edge of nerves as one
roots & cheers for
their favorite team.
- EPACHA Foundation -


"Baseball" is helping to bring
"Nations" together!

Let's all root, root, root
for an "Awesome 2023"
and also for
"Baseball" NOW and for
many generations
to come!
- EPACHA Foundation -
Make Sure to Also Visit EPACHA's
"Little League Baseball"
web page at:


The World demands "Humanity!"
The World demands "Unity!
The World demands . . .
EPACHA Foundation Extends
Sincerest Thanks to MLB
and to all who helped make EPACHA's
"2023 World Baseball Classic"
webpage possible.
Many Thanks!


If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:

Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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