Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
COGI's can . . .
for . . .
COGI's [ Corporations / Organizations /
Groups / Individuals ] can make a
world of difference in efforts
to fulfill the needs of
those of Humanity lacking the most!
Courtesy, R. E. Turner III
Who knows more about that 'catchy phrase',
"Early to bed, early to rise, work like * * * *
and advertise" than "TED" himself. No
doubt, Ted Turner is well-acquainted
with the "ups & downs" of the
Corporate World and
the spirit of entrepreneurial adventure
coupled with his own bravery & daring
of bold and effective enterprising
that changed the world forever.
And who also knows more about . . .
Courtesy, R. E. Turner III
It's yet not an easy task to follow in
the footsteps of Ted Turner - a
quintessential, pioneering
legend in his own time!
By no means were his
first-ever, break-through
accomplishments overshadowed
during a time when the world was historically unfolding - while at
the same time being remarkably
interconnected as never before
by none other than Ted Turner.
Ted's brilliant ingenuity
and tenacious drive successfully
created the first television channel
to provide 24-hour news coverage;
CNN: Cable News Network.
Robert E. Turner III, manned the helm
and boldly navigated the whole world forward through the portals of an
uncharted, unfolding future!
Without a doubt, Ted Turner knows
a great deal about
News Broadcasting and . . .
Achieving a Desired Objective!
A Better Global World for All!
Clean. Healthy. Energy Efficient.
Living Within
Humanity's Environment:
Our Natural Habitat!
Courtesy, https://theconversation.com/building-a-better-world-can-architecture-shape-behaviour-21541
There Certainly is . . .
Much Work to be Done
Around the World!
Of course, the purpose of "Advertisement" is
to draw attention in efforts to promote sales
of products and / or services.
And the wider the audience - with effective advertisement, the greater the end result.
By no means is EPACHA looking at
"Advertisement" on its website
as though peering with
unrealistic shaded eyes.
Although EPACHA's website is not overly extensive and its visitors may not be
great in numbers, the benefits of
placing your appropriate
"advertisement" with
EPACHA can be a
gratification far greater than
traditional advertisement venues.
Consider those more important aspects
and results that COGI's [ Corporations / Organizations / Groups / Individuals ] can achieve with an indelible mark in Humanitarian History.
"Advertise" on "EPACHA's"
website and also . . .
For as little as $1, $2 or $3 per day [*], your
"Advertisement for Humanity" Logo
will appear for viewers as
EPACHA's work continues
in the process of . . .
[*] Minimum number of days: 365.
Scroll down to Reserve!
- EPACHA Foundation -
Corporations / Organizations /
Groups / Individuals
Don't Wait . . . Reserve NOW,
Early . . . Not Late!
Which Is Your Special Logo?
Weblinks Courtesy, Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Advertising for Humanity is easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Select logo image with text [e.g. company motto]; email to EPACHA.
2. Indicate $1, $2 or $3 per day; Donate [auto renew if desired].
3. Proudly enjoy your "Advertisement for Humanity."
"Thank You!"
$365.00; 1 yr. per logo
Contributions will be "Donated for Various Charitable Purposes" including
EPACHA Foundation's
Not-for Profit "Work to Be Done" Activities.
Click to Locate Your Logo Advertisement Display:
Make Sure to Complete the Following Info.
Reserve Now . . . DONATE Later!
NOTE: Reserve Your Logo Advertisement NOW!! Tax Deductions will become valid in 2025.
DONATION Reminder will be emailed by EPACHA.
NOTE: Reserve Your Logo Advertisement NOW!! Tax Deductions will become valid in 2025.
It's a good time &
good idea to start "Advertising"
for . . .
EPACHA Foundation Extends
Sincerest Thanks to
Robert E. Turner III
for allowing use of images and print
presented herein.
Learn more about Ted Turner on the following web pages:
“Ted Turner”
Now celebrating its 28th year of movie
entertainment with the launch of . . .
We're still watching!
Did you know that the idea for
“CAPTAIN PLANET and the Planeteers”
originated with Ted Turner?!
A True Planeteer!
Courtesy, Ted Turner
Ted Turner's Most Important
Advertisement . . .
Take Care of the Planet!
Courtesy, Turner Foundation
Many Thanks Ted Turner!
Humanity Shall Never Forget
Your Invaluable, Lasting Contributions to the
World as a Whole.
- EPACHA Foundation -
If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:
Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
M A R C H 2 0 2 1 - U P D A T E D - A P R I L 2 0 2 3