Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :

In Defense of
“Human Beings”
Courtesy, One Human Family
There once was a callous Senator who erroneously declared - words of
degradation into every ear!
What did this Senator so callously say?
What was his degrading insult to every
“Human Being” in every way?
" . . . monkeys, like humans, act crazy on meth."

“Human Beings” Around the World
have surely been victims of
the full spectrum of
“Crimes Against Humanity”
in every corner of the globe throughout
Nations great and small.
And quite frankly speaking NOW to
one and all who sit in high places
to govern with false faces
full of disgraces . . .
A message from “Human Beings”
from all walks of life:
like 'monkeys' . . .
And 'monkeys' are NOT
like “HUMANS!”
are. . .
“Human Beings” of every culture, color,
shape and size; including those of
religious faith and philosophical
beliefs throughout every place
“Around the World”
stand firmly united to utterly refute,
dispel and justly clarify longstanding
'man-made deceptions'
spread throughout Nations
far and wide!
Upon our Planetary Homeland, Earth
“Human Beings” shall surely
reside: The “Humanity” of
“Human relations” shall
always be our guide.
'Man-made deceptions'
which yet foolishly seek to
divide and destroy . . .
“The Whole Human Race”
shall have no gain: only utter disgrace!
Reminder to...
a 'Man-made World'
which has cast “Humanity” aside
throughout diverse places upon
Earth: YES! “Humanity” has a
right to justly reside and
flourish throughout
Earth -
Humanity's rightful
homeland of great worth!

“Human Beings” shall always be
that “Eternal Race” of
from Shore-to-Shore;
from Sea-to-Sea!
- EPACHA Foundation -
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