Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :

Two Connecticut police officers fatally shot, one injured in Bristol
In Memory of . . .

Connecticut Community of Bristol
Mourns the Loss of Two
"Honorable True Blues!"
Video Courtesy, CBS New York
Bristol Police Chief Brian Gould
Salutes With Great Sadness
His Fallen Officers

“This is a senseless tragedy, and my prayers are with their families, loved ones, and fellow officers. I also ask the residents of CT to keep in their prayers a third officer who was shot and is currently in the hospital with serious injuries,” . . .
“This is a devastating reminder of the dangers that police officers face every day to protect our families and neighbors from all kinds of situations. These officers are heroes and will always be remembered for the honorable service they provided to their town and state.”

Deepest Condolences are Extended
to the Families, Friends and Fellow
Officers of Sgt. Dustin DeMonte and
Officer Alex Hamzy . . . with all
Hopes and Prayers for Officer
Alec Iurato who was wounded.
The Law Enforcement Family of
Humanity Mourns Together as One!
"Honorable True Blues!"
When "Honorable True Blues" are
Fallen from Amongst the Ranks,
[whether in Bristol, CT or in
any place Around the World]
Each Soul Returns to that
"Realm of Eternal Law
Enforcement" with
Honor & Sincerest Thanks!
- EPACHA Foundation -

The Community of Bristol
Mourning and Moving
Onward . . .
Together as ONE!
Read more on the following web page:

A Prudent Reminder
"Police Officers" sent forth of "Eternity's Gate,"
have come to uphold the Law and protect
citizens & communities with
"Fully Vested Eternal
Authority of Great Weight!"
"Police Officers" sent forth of "Eternity's Gate"
are also treasured members of
"Humanity's Family"
in every place Around the World: that
should be known and clearly understood
by adults - and also by every boy and girl!
As each patrol on beat - morning, noon and night -
diligently upholding those mandated law
enforcement duties with honor and
respect, none should become
'fallen victims' of lawless,
criminal violence - yet not silenced!
- EPACHA Foundation -


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EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:

Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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