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Global Refugee Crisis

From Sydney Biennale Installations to Film Screenings, Ai Weiwei 


Highlights Treatment of Global Refugees


? ? Important Questions ? ?


C o n c e r n i n g


“ R E F U G E E S


A r o u n d  t h e  W o r l d 















Darfur Refugee Camp in Chad – Africa

Who is Responsible?

Who is Accountable?

In the dawning years of the


21st Century and new Millennium,


“History” continues to witness the


utter absurdity of Nations great


and small idly fiddling while


hundreds of thousands –


even into the millions – of


innocent peoples are being forced


from rightful homelands.  Evidence and


facts are not erroneous:  large populations


of  the  world’s poorest  of  the poor  are


fleeing  in  fear  of tyranny,  terrorism,


the violence of everyday lawlessness


and bloodshed; including the


horrific crimes of drug


cartels which freely


traffic dangerous and harmful


 narcotics  [and]  “human beings”


across  numerous  borders  globally.

- EPACHA Foundation - 

Photo Courtesy, U.S. State Department - Wikipedia

Above image is a close-up view of the Za'atri camp for

Syrian refugees in Jordan as seen on July 18, 2013. 

The number of Syrian refugees has  continued

to increase. And additional families are also 

being forced to flee the horrific violence of 

warring hostilities now

occurring throughout Iraq in 2014.

Learn more Updated information about the GLOBAL REFUGEE CRISIS at: 




Is the Whole World Responsible?

Is the Whole World . . .

Courtesy, Norwegian Refugee Council

. . . Accountable?

Courtesy, Norwegian Refugee Council

Learn more on the following web page:

Learn more . . . Also Visit:

Rohingya refugees walk on the muddy path after crossing the Bangladesh-Myanmar border - Photo Courtesy, Reuters / Mohammad Ponir Hossain

If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.


Sincerest Thanks are Extended to for having made possible an archived viewing of


EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:


Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:






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